Wednesday, 21 March 2012

The Margaret Tait Awards 2012

It's Wednesday the 21st of March 2012, and the last few days have been amazing, With great results from the short film 'Happy Tears', Directed by Ro J Goodwin and me shooting the film, to the news that my short film 'FLY a Legacy' has Official Selection at the Short Film Corner Festival de Cannes, and then a few minutes ago I get an email from Corinne Orton from the Margaret Tait Awards to say I have been nominated for the award, just wonderful
Off to the Scotland Directs meeting tonight at the BBC, spent a whole year going there once a month, networking with established directors, and listening to golden nuggets they had to share, magic.

April the 4th and URTV, Helensburgh TV, aired a spot on there news programme about 'FLY a Legacy' at 2mins 30secs

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