Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Shooter's broadcast on Shorts TV

My last correspondence with Shorts International was a few months ago, they told me that Shooter had been broadcast in Turkey on STV, and that my film was being prepared for broadcast on Shorts TV in the Best of Festival section in HD.

Today I have allocated a little time, as I do each week, to search the web and see if other organisations are embedding my work. I was scrubbing through Shorts International web site, which has a new look, and am very excited to announce that Shooter has been broadcast from the beginning of August 2011, it will be broadcast with DISH, Direct TV and AT&T, a very satisfying feeling.

You can also see Shooter here, as for the time being, Fly is taking centre stage on this blog, above, and on this subject, the closing date for the competition that Fly is currently running in is the 31st August 2011, so please make your mark here

Happy Days:)

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